The versatility of the Intermittent Suction Unit (ISU) with multiple modes, including intermittent, off, and continuous suction. Its pneumatic logic device ensures automatic cycling, providing reliable performance.
The versatility of the Intermittent Suction Unit (ISU) with multiple modes, including intermittent, off, and continuous suction. Its pneumatic logic device ensures automatic cycling, providing reliable performance. The adjustable timing cycles range from 3 to 30 seconds, while the intermittent flow rate can be set from 0 to 13 Lpm, preset at 8 Lpm. Both mode selector and vacuum regulator controls are lockable, enhancing user convenience. The interchangeable regulator module and gauge assembly are designed for ease of use, featuring color-coded ranges and a glow-in-the-dark needle. Enjoy the benefits of quiet and dependable operation with this time-tested device. Please note that this product is sold under clearance without warranty.