The Burton Outpatient Mobile Exam / OR Surgery LED Light is the industry leader for examination lights, chosen by more physicians than any other light for its focusable flood-type light, high intensity, and shadow-free operation. It offers minimal heat output and a high color temperature, making it the ideal low-maintenance, top-performing light for various hospital and physician office applications.
The Burton Outpatient Mobile Exam / OR Surgery LED Light is the industry leader for examination lights, chosen by more physicians than any other light for its focusable flood-type light, high intensity, and shadow-free operation. It offers minimal heat output and a high color temperature, making it the ideal low-maintenance, top-performing light for various hospital and physician office applications.
- Autoclavable SteriHandle for sterile procedures
- Friction knob for easy self-balancing arm positioning adjustment without the need for tools
- Shadow-free operation with three 50-watt halogen bulbs, each with an average bulb life of 2000 hours
- Bulbs wired in parallel for continuous operation
- Design allows one-handed removal or replacement of SteriHandle for maintaining sterile procedures
- Floorstand units come with footswitch, locking casters, and cord wrap
- Mounting systems meet California Seismic Codes